ATTN: Love And Spirituality Affiliates Who Like Easy Sales!
$328,750.80+ Has Been Paid To Partners With This Love Tarot Reading Offer - Are You Next?
See Why The #1 Tarot Reading Offer On Clickbank Is Making Platinum And Diamond Affiliates Fall In Love
In fact, finding the man of your dreams is a lot like playing musical chairs...
You start off laughing, playing and dancing together as the excitement builds.
As you go around and around, you feel connected in your heart - innocent and free.
But then… it happens: The music stops!
In that moment, when you look around at each person playing the game...
And it's in that moment, you realize...
🔥Hot New Upgrades For Summer 2023🔥
Why This #1 Love Tarot Reading Offer On Clickbank Will Be On Fire This Summer🔥🔥🔥
As they say, Spring Flings turn into Summer Affairs.
It's the good old fashion cycle of human mating at work.
People tend to couple in the cold, isolating winter…
…get restless with “spring fever” as the weather warms up…
… and then, by summer time - hearts change and drama ensues.
Year after year after year.
This cycle is so predictable that it's everywhere you look, and big business takes full advantage of it like clockwork.
Just one look at the summer markets and you'll find...
With more social events, festivals, and lighter clothing...
The summertime heat means temptations are running high.
Lying, cheating, affairs, breakups - all just a jolt of passion away.
And yet, this year - it's going to be 10x worse.
Every 18 months, there's an Astrology cycle called "Venus Retrograde" thats known for wreaking havoc in love and relationships for 6 full weeks!
(Hint: If your audience is into Astrology, then they already know this is coming.
This event will be all over every horoscope on Earth - from websites to grocery store checkout stands - reminding them to buy.)
And, guess what?
This nasty influence will be felt (and talked about) for weeks ahead of time...
... as personal tensions rise, situations get out of hand, and hidden love problems rear their ugly heads.
Thats why we've scheduled our contest when we did!
It ends just a few days before this relationship-rattling cycle begins, sparking romantic chaos for the six weeks to follow...
... which means...
Your Audience Should Be In A Red-Hot, Urgent... Fever-Pitch-Level Of Desire For Love, Certainty and Connection For The Rest Of The Year!

Imagine, you'll be right there... right on time... with exactly what they need, exactly when they need it...
... as you watch a floodgate of your audience members fill up your bank account with Super Affiliate Sales. .
They'll see you as their new best friend who showed them something they love so much, yet never expected to find...
A Hyper-Addictive Interactive Tarot Reading Funnel, Locked And Loaded With A Full Stack Of Irresistible Offers
Earn Up To $180 Per Sale!

Frequency Of Desire Guided Meditation - $17
A unique guided meditation that increases the user's inherent magnetism through a deep psychological experience and uniquely soothing music. The user gets access to the Frequency of Desire guided meditation, as well as a workbook to track your results.

Daily Love Card Advisor - 7day FREE (then $7/mo)
Full access to a one care love reading generator without ads so the user can draw new cards every day. With one order bump check box, this recurring product is added to the user's order without any friction or fuss.

Bump: Unlimited Reading Upgrade - $10 (easy yes)
Immediate access to generate unlimited Cosmic Love Blueprint reports instead of being limited to just two.
This no-brainer order bump takes a single check box to add to their order and earns you cash each month.

Core Offer: The Cosmic Love Blueprint - $37
The most powerful, in depth and detailed "Birth Card" Tarot reading report available on the internet. Fully customized user experience with very low refund rate.
Nothing else like this exists in the world because the formulas actually come from a private Tarot Mystery School with 300+ years of esoteric history.

OTO 1a: The Match Matrix Compatibility System - $17
An easy "lay up" upsell that's. a no brainer once they purchase the core product.
The Match Matrix compares the two Cosmic Love Blueprints the user is purchasing to determine how compatible they are as lovers and friends.

OTO 1b: The Frequency Of Desire - $17
A first downsell that pivots from compatibility into becoming more attractive and confident in love - appealing to a different yet critical desire.
If they say no to this - they get offered BOTH downsells for $17.

OTO 2: 528hz Love Activation System - $57/$37
An easy "lay up" upsell that's. a no brainer once they purchase the core product.
The Match Matrix compares the two Cosmic Love Blueprints the user is purchasing to determine how compatible they are as lovers and friends.

OTO 3: Sound Frequency Temple - $111
An exciting six week course that brings the user through a transformational experience from the inside out..
This personal development program helps free user of emotional baggage and manifest their true soulmate..
Plus: An Evergreen Follow Up System That Maximizes Every Click You Send
When you send traffic, and your prospects save their results...
They're given a new reading with every content email, consistently reselling this product until they eventually buy.
You'll be surprised how many would-be tire kickers end up buying the Cosmic Love Blueprint later...
.. boosting your paycheck for weeks, months, even years after you promote.
And, of course, we'll happily send you back as much traffic as you send us - or more!
Remember: Money Loves Speed!
Sign Up Now To Become Our Next Successful Affiliate Partner

Simply click the button below to get VIP access to insider swipes, promo tools, and commission bumps!
No matter how big or small your audience, we are here to help you become our next affiliate superstar.
To your Love Tarot Reading Success,

P.S. As always, we're open to reciprical mailings. If you have any questions or need help, reach out to Ray Hill of Cosmic Media via email: affiliates@cosmicupdates.com
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